Faculty of Information Technology
Faculty of Information Technology
Dean: MA. Pham The Phong
Work Address: Faculty of Information Technology – Zone A – 2nd Floor
Phone: 0251.2222258
Email: phongcg3@gmail.com
1-Position and functions
– Faculty of Information Technology is the Expertise faculty of The College of Machinery and
irrigation. The falcuty has functions to teach foreign languages and subjects/basic modules and
vocational skills in the field of information technology at 03 level levels: College, intermediate
and primary;
– Managing teachers, students, and property delivered by the school;
2-Duties and powers
– Faculty of Information Technology performs the duties and powers specified in clause 4, article
14 of the regulation and operation of the school in accordance with decision No. 02/QD – CG &
TL dated 02/01/2018 and the following specific contents:
Teaching work:
– Organizing, teaching foreign language and academic subjects/modules and expertise in college,
intermediate and primary level according to the school’s overall plan.
– Developing, editing programs, curriculum, outline subjects/modules, test Bank, reference
materials, equipment and facilities for teaching and learning.
– Managing faculty personnel. Assigning teachers to follow the plan, adjusting the teaching plan
as necessary.
– Performing the Mission: to manage the point and do the documents, to store the prescribed
records; Implementating plans and coordinating regulatory exams.
– Developing plans and proposals to improve the professional qualifications and professional staff
of faculty.
– Performing scientific research as prescribed and participate in the movements, the contest is
released by the school.
– Proposal to establish the group of subject (if necessary)
Managing student’s education
– Assigning head teachers to the class.
– Coordinating well with units in school and parents who perform comprehensively educational work
for students.
– Coordinating with function departments, implementing the State policy regime for students on
scholarships, social subsidition, insurance, training credits and other modes relating to
Other works:
– Performing the political education of thought, moral lifestyle for the faculty lectures.
Periodically organizing assessment, classificating officers and lecturers as prescribed.
– Managing, exploiting and using effectively facilities and equipment. Planning supplies,
internship equipment, maintenance plans. Arranging workshops and implementing 5S standards.
– Coordinating with function departments, admissions support centers and job consultants, contact
for business internship; Job introduction for Students after graduation.
– In collaboration with the Accounting Finance Department examining the situation of tuition,
examination fees and other revenues according to semester, school year.
– Performing annual self-inspection work as planned.
– Participating in advisory board as decided by the principal
– Implementing the reporting regime in accordance with the superior level.
– Performing other tasks assigned by school managing board.
3-Structure of the organization
Based on the functions and responsibilities assigned, expected payroll falcuty: 14 people
+ Dean: 01
+ Vice dean: 01
+ Lectures: 12